There was already a day of pretty hefty winds, and many members of the club came over to A dock, which is facing South and is especially exposed to Southwesterlies. We managed to secure some of the boats which had chafed lines.
It is always unsettling to see Waterdancer hop like a 30,000 lbs mechanical bull on docks, with the stern sometimes going up 4 feet and landing in the water, missing the docks, thanks to the cobweb of lines that I put on. Our marina is pretty solid out there, but I still sometimes wonder, looking at the twisting and bouncing, on how there is not a catastrophical breakdown.
There was a dock party on Friday, Oct 18 at Constuitution Marina, which we were planning to attend with Waterdancer, by rafting up to our friend's boat, Venesaur, but that was nixed by Sebastian, the CM Dockmaster, and I was not planning to pay $2+ per fot for a one night stay after having paid for all winter.
So we drove over, most of the party was at W & J's Boat, since J was going out of the country for an extended business trip.
All last Sunday, the 20th we had westerly winds. I took the opportunity to go out with Tapalong and take some club fall pictures.
However it subsided in the evening and I was able to move our friend A's boat over to the inside corner with the Tapalong, since his transmission is off right now.
The weather is now calm. (October 21) We are planning to put Tapalong onto the dry this week, and move Waterdancer to CM, for her winter spot.
We are slowly getting into our winter mode, cooking at home, and enjoying the (occasional) tranquility. Last night Danielle roasted a great (and big) chicken, so looks like I will have roasted chicken for my lunch at work for a few days :)
Halloween is coming up, and there will be the traditional Halloween party. Also, S is throwing a clambake in Cohasset, which is one of my favorite coastal towns in New England
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