It is probably due to the fact that we spend a lot of time in limited spaces, that the weekends end up as times where things are being let out, at times in a manner reminiscent to some of our College times. Friday night we had a pool party. It lasts between 6pm and 8pm. It is very difficult for me to make it in time because of traffic coming back from Waltham. Usually I leave work sometime after 7pm, but Fridays I leave earlier to make the party.
So I invited friends over to Waterdancer. We watched some cruising movies and had a good time. When Danielle came back we decided to let her sleep since she had competition next day and moved over to Kevin and Linda's boat. Walter joined Kevin, Linda, Susan, Arvind, Jeff and me, and for some totally unexplained reason, the shotglasses came out.
I actually took some movies of the rest of the party, but will not publish them to protect the guilty. As I left around 1 am the party was still going.
Saturday was fairly quiet. Christian and I had to dig onto a slip in order to recover the heat gun, so that he could fix his shrinkwrap.
The wraps have taken their toll in the snow, including at least one partially collapsed one.
Sunning in the cockpit |
I finally got myself around to fix my own shrinkwrap holes which were caused by falling icicles.
Sunday we decided to take a little vacation. Together we went to the pool, and enjoyed a relaxing hour. At 100 degrees, it is the largest hot tub in Boston.
The sun was out, and it was 84 degrees inside the shrinkwrap. So I took the opportunity, and lay down in the cockpit with shirt and t-shirt. Ahh ... the simple pleasures of life we have to grab onto in order to survive this winter.
Snow Mountain in the parking lot |
In the Meantime, the snow banks in the area are growing. The field behind Danielle is about 10 ft tall and 100 square feet. That is a lot of snow, and it is dirty, very dirty.
I don't think that I remember this much continuous snow in the Boston Area before. Since it is illegal to dump the snow into the ocean, the mountains are growing, And we hardly get any temperatures over 32 degrees to help the snow melt.
Walking on the streets, especially in the city is becoming dangerous because there is not much sidewalk area left, and many streets are narrower because of the extra snow.
Eggs Benedict and Canadian Bacon Burger ! |
Mimosas and Beer at Warren Tavern |
Afterwards we walked over to the Warren Tavern, and splurged. I have cut down on beer significantly, so this was my beer day. We had a scrumptious late breakfast. Warren Tavern has good food and atmosphere. They have a fireplace, which was not lit today.
Sullivan's Bar |
Finished with our late brunch, we ventured over to Sullivan's Bar, next door which is a very typical Irish bar. We had a some Bloody Mary's with the pre-Superbowl crowd and then stumbled over to Tangerinos, where I enjoyed a Chimay Ale and 2 Drunken Camels. (Don't even ask) while Danielle continued with her mimosas.
After the Superbowl started, we went over to Paul's boat Venesaur, and hang out with Paul and Elizabeth, where the 2 bottles of Champagne Danielle had bought from the liquor store bit the dust. So did the Steelers !
After a brief stop over at Kevin and Linda's boat, reminiscing Friday night, we finally made it back to Waterdancer. Things get a bit fuzzy at this point
As to make a point of this winter. If the three Mariachis in fromt of the Mexican restaurant have a foot of snow on their hats, we definitely had too much of old man winter
Snow .. way too much snow ! |