That night we were treated to a spectacular fireworks show off Winthrop Harbor.
Our guests enjoyed the warm weather to sleep in the cockpit. So much for cleaning up the V-Berth :)
Next morning we decided to have breakfast off Great Brewster Island. So we sailed out bright and early at 9 AM and dropped anchor at off Great Brewster. A while later this huge powerboat pulled up on us. It turned out it was Paul with his girlfriend, parents and son. They dropped anchor a few hundred feet off from us.
Matt cooked an excellent breakfast, after which we set up the hammocks, the shades and had a very lazy day. Later on Bill and his friend joined us and we took the dinghy out to the island.
That evening we had a wonderful sunset sail going out towards Egg Rock and then back into Boston.
All in all it was a perfect weekend, good weather and great sailing. Chris really did get a kick out of sailing the boat. It looks like we found ourselves a new helmsman.