Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 4

Danielle's Uncle, Matt, and his better half, Maria and Matt's son Chris came over to visit us for the weekend. We sailed both out on July 4 to watch the USS Constitution to make a turn around at Boston Harbor. Then we sailed out to Graves Lighthouse went across Hypocrite Channel and sailed back to Winthrop past the Boston Harbor Lighthouse.
That night we were treated to a spectacular fireworks show off Winthrop Harbor.
Our guests enjoyed the warm weather to sleep in the cockpit. So much for cleaning up the V-Berth :)

Next morning we decided to have breakfast off Great Brewster Island. So we sailed out bright and early at 9 AM and dropped anchor at off Great Brewster. A while later this huge powerboat pulled up on us. It turned out it was Paul with his girlfriend, parents and son. They dropped anchor a few hundred feet off from us.
Matt cooked an excellent breakfast, after which we set up the hammocks, the shades and had a very lazy day. Later on Bill and his friend joined us and we took the dinghy out to the island.

That evening we had a wonderful sunset sail going out towards Egg Rock and then back into Boston.

All in all it was a perfect weekend, good weather and great sailing. Chris really did get a kick out of sailing the boat. It looks like we found ourselves a new helmsman.