Sunday, July 26, 2009

Clambake at Rainsforth Island

We decided to get a group of us together and have a clambake at Rainsforth Island. Ransforth is a small island that has a few moorings and reasonable anchorage available. There are 2 beaches that allow for a fire below the high water mark.
We bought about 60 lobsters from a local lobsterman, and brought plenty of clams and beer :)

It was a great evening. Especially Danielle loved it. Many friends were there. We decided to erect the pot over the bonfire, since the propane heater was not hot enough in the winds.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Scituate Trip

We had a weekend trip to Scituate scheduled. Danielle was away at dance competition. Do Bill, Christian, Joe and I sailed down on July 11 and returned July 12.
The weather was raugh and on the nose going down, but Waterdancer punched through it easily with the Yanmar Turbo, motorsailing.

It was the first trip with WD. We did the typical O'Malley stuff, hang out at the bar.
Then we went back to the boat and had a lovely evening chatting about things.
The return trip was uneventful.
After dropping my crew off, I took the whaler and went over to Spectacle Island where some friends who were not able to punch into the wind ended up.