Saturday, November 14, 2009

Vets That Do House Calls

Last summer, Danielle made a great discovery. There is actually a vet that is doing house calls. HarborVets is a pair of local veterinarians who come to your place. Regardless if it is a boat or a house. They are very compassionate, competent good doctors, and I can highly recommend Dr. Emily Neenan & Dr. Maija Mikkola Curtis.

Here is Dr Maija "Dr Mik" with Sammy. I have no personal benefit but like to support the efforts of people who I believe are doing a good thing.
Maija was recently the runner up (to Angell Memorial Hospital) as the Best Vet in 2008 by the Readers' Choice Awards of Beantown Tails Magazine!

Shrinkwrap Is All Done

Well, we are here at Constitution Marina with Waterdancer completely shrinkwrapped. A friend mentioned one day, that there is a devious satisfaction of playing with a shrink-gun that can instantly combust anything in it's path if brought too close. 300,000 BTU/hour is a lot of energy.

We have a new door this year. It is a screen door but I am planning on getting a Plexiglas cover for it. When it gets cold and windy, it is amazing how much heat a good wrap with a solid door can retain.
There have been days when it was sunny and 20 degrees outside while we were warm and cozy in the cockpit without any additional heat.

Now I need to clean up all the mess and tools that are all over the cockpit. The boat actually provides for a nice social area in the winter time. Having the cockpit as a living area under the shrinkwrap is great.

I am glad that I was able to finish the shrinkwrap though. It is raining cats and dogs here, a huge storm moved up from the south. The winds are not too bad, but it is wet, very wet. Somebody posted that it had rained so much in the DC area , that the fixed docks got flooded, and some liveaboards could not get off their boats !
Last evening, the winds peaked with this storm as Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, Cape Henry, Norfolk and Oceana gusted to between 70 and 75 mph, causing many power outages. Into tonight, winds will gust to between 40 and 50 mph from Nantucket and Long Island to the Jersey shore and the Delmarva Peninsula. The risk for power outages will expand northward with these winds.
Strong winds will focus on southeast Massachusetts on Saturday, possibly gusting to over 50 mph on Nantucket.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Moving Back To Constitution Marina

How many times have I blogged our move from Constitution to Winthrop, and then back from Winthrop to Constitution, in the past 5 years, I don't remember.

There are both sad and sweet parts to both of these trips. It always is a bittersweet occasion of leaving the summer life, the Tiki Bar, the Winthrop Sunsets and our summer vacations behind, and moving back into the town life.

Well, it was that time again. Danielle had been sick with a cough, so we had to delay the trip till Monday.
She drove over, and I took Waterdancer. It was a tranquil, lone trip. Quiet seas again, only interrupted with the excitement of undoing the dock lines only to realize that the boat, with engine running, was in gear.. (Talk about a leap of faith I had to do)
Waterdancer, Sailor, Sammy and I had a quiet trip around the airport and arrived in Charlestown mid-afternoon.

We tied her up at her new spot and went to have a sandwich at Sorrels, a little coffee shop in the neighborhood.
Afterwards, we jumped into Tapalong, which I had towed over, and rode back to Winthrop, It was time for Tapalong to be up on her trailer and brought over into her winter spot.

So here we are, looking forward for another winter season, shrinkwrapping, cooking, partying, and hanging out with our old and new friends here at the Marina.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Towing S/V Ruby to Admiral's Hill

My friend Bill's Catalina 30 had her engine pulled out because of some problems. So there was the daunting task on how to move the boat over from Winthrop to Admiral's Hill where she will be on the dry.

Well, good excuse for a day on the water. We grabbed TapAlong, our 13 Whaler Dountless, tied her to the aft quarter of Ruby, with many, many, many fenders, and had a nice 2+ hour trip through the harbor to Admiral's Hill. The weather was georgeous. We left around 3:30 pm and arrived there just about at sunset.

After securing the boat we jumped into the Tapalong and carefully powered back, in 20 minutes. We had to be slow because inner Boston Harbor is a no-wake zone, and there was a lot of debris in the form of railroad ties in the water.

But the deed was done, and we celebrated with sandwiches and beer at the clubhouse

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bonfire on Rainsforth Island

October 10, 2009

This is the third, and probably the last time that we sailed over to Rainsforth Island to have a bonfire. It was pretty gusty, W winds 25 kts gusting to 30. We had about 6 boats joining us.
I grabbed a mooring one of the Boston Harbor Island moorings for which I have a season pass..
I do admit that when I have a chance to grab a mooring, I do it, even though I trust my anchoring skills and Waterdancer's anchor. It is a 45 ft plow with about 200 ft of chain. We have never dragged... but then again, part of the reason is, because I grab a mooring if I can :)

It was a wet dinghy ride over to the campsite which was on the eastern cove. Every time I go through Quarantine Rocks, I slow down, even with the dinghy. They look intimidating at low tide. Worse, at high tide they are not visible, and you can go over most of them, but it is risky business.
We had a great night, boiling some lobsters, cows and fish. Danielle distributed her rum again :).

There was another group camping on the other side of the island, which is something that I always feel uneasy about, but .. nothing we can do.

The one concern I have with Rainsforth is that there is a group of people, mostly from the Quincy area, who live there pretty much through the summer. So I feel somewhat stepping on their turf when we take over the campsite. But up to now, whenever we encountered them, they have been nice and courteous, so there have been no issues.

All in all, it was a great night around the fire, many stories told, quite a few braincells killed.

We went back to Waterdancer around midnight and started up the generator.

Winter is coming. The temperatures dropped down to the low 40ies. Thank you reverse cycle !
I usually don't sleep that well with the generator running, especially if the winds die. You can smell the exhaust fumes as they sweep through the portholes and other small openings if not disbursed by the wind. I have nightmares of getting CO poisoning, even though I have 2 smoke detectors, and 2 CO detector's on the boat.

Next day, we motored back to the club. We did not sail, because we are whimps! . I did not want to deal with the sails for the half hour ride. If we had been on Harmony (26 Bristol) , ow Nomad (36 Catalina) we would have at least pulled out the jib. Oh well..

Speaking of winter ...
That day, October 11, was the annual Turkey Roast at Constitution Marina. That usually marks the beginning of the winter season. Just like last year, Paul on Venesaur opened up his boat to the entire marina. I estimate that we had close to 40 people on the his boat.
Let the winter begin....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Whalering around

We spent the Saturday Whalering around, went to the Barking Crab for lunch (Way too expensive) then had a nice walk in Downtown Boston.
We also wnt to Constitution Marina and renewed our contract for the winter.

On the way back to Winthrop, we met up with Salacia and Windtalker, who had participated in the BHIR race.
It was nice to be able to get out a few more times on the whaler.
Winter is coming soon...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Winthrop Sunsets

We are really lucky that we have the most beautiful sunsets here in Winthrop.
Here are just some pictures we took from the aft deck of our home.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Vacation, Cuttyhunk

After Hurricane Bill left we decided to bolt to Cuttyhunk. We left Glochester at 9 am in the morning to make the canal with a favorable current, and arrived in Cuttyhunk right at sunset.

In retrospect, we should have stopped at Bassets again instead of doing a 10 hour dash, but I wanted to avoid the southwesterlies that were predicted for the next day. It turns out that Waterdancer would have easily made it. You can see Danielle's annoyance slightly on the video poster. It was a beautiful trip though.

Here is a great wiew from the top of Cuttyhunk.
We spent the rest of the week there, and yet once again got chased away by a hurricane. This time, Hurricane Danny. Our luck, two week vacation, two hurricanes.

We ended up sailing back to Bassets island, and spent the first day at anchor there, afterwards moving over to a mooring.

I like anchoring, and it is a matter of calculated risk, weather we drop anchor or grab a mooring.
Waterdancer is our life, our home. We are working, full time, so we don't have the luxury of full-time cruisers to work on the boat for repairs. If we were to drag and damage her, we would be in pretty deep shit. So I only anchor when I feel confident about the situation.
Things would of course be different if we were full time cruisers, since we could not afford stating on moorings all the time.

Regardless of the hurricane, we enjoyed our stay back at Red Brook Harbor.

The dogs, especially Sailor, because he is so expressive, hates it when someone goes swimming. He is ready to jump in and get us back onto the boat.

Well, Hurricane Danny came and went, and just like Hirricane Bill, it ended up going off to the east and just dump a lot ow rain onto us

The return trip to Bsoton was both bittersweet and eerie. The hurricanes had left back a mist, and we sailed back to Scituate under a hazy sky, observing whales (well at least I did) and all kind of aquatic creatures.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Vacation, Anisquam

The second part of our vacation tooke us into Salem, Hawthorne cove for the first night, and then to another on of our favorite places, Anisquam. This is a great place to go swimming from the boat (carefull of the strong currents, or from the beach.

We spent the rest of the week in Anisquam. We took the dinghy over to the back of Crane Beach, which was actually a pretty long ride. It was fun to explore, but we prefer Anisquam. The sand on the beach is impeccable, and the waters are nice.

(On the backside of Crane Beach)

( Waterdancer and the Anisquam Yacht Club)

Unfortunately, We got news that a Hurrican was coming, so we had to take cover in Glouchester.

Sunset at the Annisquam river, our traditional sunset glass of wine

(Crossing the Blyman Bridge)
We spent the weekend of Aug 22, 23 waiting out the hurricane and left for Cuttyhunk on the following Monday.

Friday, August 21, 2009

4th Wedding Anniversary

This is our 4th wedding anniversary. I feel that I am the luckiest person in the world to have such a wonderful wife, who spends her life with me.

I don't know how many years I have left, but the life I am spending right now, today, are the best and happiest years of my life. Even if I die tomorrow, I will do so with a smile, thanking fate that it has provided me with these wonderful years. Thank you Danielle.

Yes, I don't have the money I used to have. Yes I have aces and pains from the treatments, and the years that have gone by.
But I also have Danielle, and if anybody would ask me what part of my life would I want to last for ever, they would be these last 4 years.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Vacation, Bassets, Cuttyhunk and back

We decided to break up our summer vacation into 2 legs. First one was August 1 through August 9, and the second leg is August 17 through August 30. We both had business in town in the second week of August.

We went to the beach and had a great day.
Both Sailor and Sammy enjoyed the remote beach on the hook of Ptown.

We opted to go to a remote area of the beach so that we could leave the dogs loose.

(Danielle and Sailor on the Beach in Ptown)
Last year, the dinghy was stuck in the shallows, and we had to drag it out for a quarter mile. Thanks to Bill Byford, we were able to get out then. So, now I am careful about making sure that we don't land anywhere where there are extensive flats. It is not a big deal to drag the dinghy for a few tens of feet. But after that, it gets tedious.

(A really Happy Danielle on the beach in Ptown)

Next day, on Sunday afternoon, Buzz and Marcy, our winter liveaboard friends, joined us. Next morning we decided to head for the SOuth. We left on a very foggy morning, and after crossing the Cape Cod Canal, we tucked in into Red Brook Harbor and dropped anchor in front of Basset's Island.
There, we had a lovely evening.

(Danielle and Marcy Chatting at anchor at Bassets)

Bassets Island is very shallow, and has winding sand banks. The holding is very good though, but one has to be careful not giving too much scope, because you can drift into the shallows.
The water is extremely warm, 75 degrees F or so, which makes it a delight to swim.

From there we sailed over to Cuttyhunk, our favorite location. Of course, as luck would have it
there were a few regattas scheduled, so the inside was totally booked.
We grabbed a mooring at the entrance of the channel. The nice part of being outside is that we have a great view. Although it can get a bit rocky unless there are east winds.

We spend the afternoon waling in the town and showing Buzz and Marcy the area.

We had a great sunset dinner on Emeraude.

It is always fun to have a pair of like minded people with us on vacation. We love Buzz and marcy dearly. We had a lot of fun last winter when they were living at COnstitution. This year, they decided to spend the winter at Pickering Wharf, in Salem. We will miss thenm

Next morning early we were able to secure a mooring inside.
Next day, we took the dogs, and climbed up to the top of the hill. There is a beautiful view from there, and on clear days you can see Connecticut, Nomans Land and Nantucket. Gays head on Marthas Vineyard is always a great view too. I have no idea where my pictures from the top of Cuttyhunk are.

After several days in Cuttyhunk, we sailed back to Basset's Island, dropped the anchor there for the night and then sailed back across the Canal to Winthrop. Buzz and Marcy joined us and stayed in Winthrop for a few days.
Than Monday, August 10, they took Danielle and the whaler and had a great day on the harbor, going everywhere from Worlds End to Mystic River.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Clambake at Rainsforth Island

We decided to get a group of us together and have a clambake at Rainsforth Island. Ransforth is a small island that has a few moorings and reasonable anchorage available. There are 2 beaches that allow for a fire below the high water mark.
We bought about 60 lobsters from a local lobsterman, and brought plenty of clams and beer :)

It was a great evening. Especially Danielle loved it. Many friends were there. We decided to erect the pot over the bonfire, since the propane heater was not hot enough in the winds.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Scituate Trip

We had a weekend trip to Scituate scheduled. Danielle was away at dance competition. Do Bill, Christian, Joe and I sailed down on July 11 and returned July 12.
The weather was raugh and on the nose going down, but Waterdancer punched through it easily with the Yanmar Turbo, motorsailing.

It was the first trip with WD. We did the typical O'Malley stuff, hang out at the bar.
Then we went back to the boat and had a lovely evening chatting about things.
The return trip was uneventful.
After dropping my crew off, I took the whaler and went over to Spectacle Island where some friends who were not able to punch into the wind ended up.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Back In the Water

Well, after an adventerous 10 days, we finally made it back to the water. Among other things, we were hit with the worst storm of the season which made repair work to be quite adventerous.
I will post a separate blog describing allthe repair work performed.

We were launched today, Monday, and made it to Pickering Warf for refuge from the storm.

We will be going back to the mooring here in salem and await the arrival of the Winthrop fleet,
and eventually returning with them on Sunday

Monday, June 15, 2009

Life on the Hard Days 1,2,3

I finally found my camera, and the cell phone connector, so I could start posting again. I find posts with no pictures boring.

Well, on Thursday, 6/11 Buzz came over to Winthrop and we moved Waterdancer to Salem. It was a rolly trip. Rain was predicted, and we had the bimini top on. My expectations of a miserable, wey, rainy trip were not fulfilled though. Except of the rolling, th trip was fine. The wind was about 15 degrees off, so we could not sail.

I should have raised the main to stop the rolling but I was too lazy.

Now, I am sitting on the hard, Danielle is staying with her mother, and has the year end recital. I did not much besides making a big mess inside and out, and waiting to talk to my friend Dmitry and Keith, the yard manager.

There is good amount of work to be done on the keel, I need a new cutlass bearing, and have the autopilot checked out.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Salem Hawthorne Cove, Misery Island

I feel guilty of not updating our blogs as frequently as I should. It is just pure procrastination. When we are cruising, I just don't feel like sitting at the computer and typing away if I can watch a sunset from my foredeck.

Friday, May 23, 2009

We motored over to Salem, Hawthorne Cove Marina to grab a mooring next to our friends Buzz and Marcy on Emeraude, and Jeff and Kristi on As You Wish . It was impressive that we left at 12:50 and arrived at 15:30. That is a little bit over 2.5 hours. We had the tide with us too, and were able to do over 7 knots without pushing the engine.

The weather was beautiful, late spring, and sunny.
That night the crew from the Marina, Marcy, Buzz, Jeff, Kristi Danielle and I spend the night on Waterdancer, had a great cookout, and just hung out and had fun.
Saturday, May 24, 2009
We went to Breakfast at Jaho's Danielle walked the town while I did the never ending boat errants. Our friends Jeff and Cheryl came over, they were in Salem for the weekend too.
We took a work dinghy that Buzz commandeered and went to the Salem River Bridge. From there we walked over to the Shanti to have a few drinks, had some late night pizza and then eventually stumbled back to the dinghy to spend the late hours on Emeraude.
Without going into details, I will state that it was sheer luck that we did not get into trouble, even though I was not drinking !

Sunday , May 25 2009
We walked to breakfast at Reds. Danielle and Marcy went grocery shopping
In the afternoon, we set sail for Misery Island. There is a beautiful cove with good holding, and several moorings. We tried to sail a bit, but eventually ended up motoring to the anchorage.

Although we were going to anchor separately, it turned out that we ended up rafting together, with both anchors down... not a smart thing, but for one overnight on a calm day it was o.k
We had brought a lot of great food. Another perfect day for a cookout. Being rafted together, we were able to mass-produce the food by running both grills simultaneously.

Hence we were enjoying a beautiful sunset and great food with good friends. How better can life be ?
That night they threw a surprise Birthday Party for me. It was fun to be rafted up at the island. Even though my cold came back and I started coughing like there is no tomorrow, I very much enjoyed the party with Jeff, Kristi, George, Sandy (Kristi's parents) Marcy, and Buzz.

The girls then decided to have their own private dance room in the cabin of Emeraude. So by midnight, the guys were passed out in the cockpit, while the girls were dancing away downstairs.

It was funny, because Buzz had the remote control for the music and was changing the tunes without them knowing it. hey did not seem to mind, whatever was playing was good dance tunes for them.

Monday, May 26, 2009

We took the dinghies ashore and walked with the dogs all around the island. I had my cold/flu at full force, so the walk was a bit strenuous, fortunately, I was not alone in my misery since we definitely had a few leftover victims from last night's party.

In the afternoon, all went their own way. Buzz and I had to deal with a little bit of anchor line entanglement, which was to be expected, and my anchor switch broke. But I was able to haul my anchor out by hot-wiring the relay )

We sailed out east from Misery Island, then tacked south towards Boston. The winds were not that well, so we were doing about 3 knots. Eventually we pulled in the headsail and motorsailed in, because Danielle did not want to be in too late.

We grabbed my mooring off the Winthrop Yacht Club at 18:30
It was our first real cruise with Waterdancer, everything worked well.

We still need to get the boat into cruise mode and secure things. We will be staying on the mooring for a while to give the generator a workout, and enjoy the piece and quiet.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Danielle's 30th Birthday

May 16, 2009 is Danielle's 30th Birthday.
This was a big day, since she gave up smoking. We had an entire weekend of Birthday Celebrations. After watching the VOR boats leave, we drove over to Salem and met with Buzz and Marcy. We had a cookout on the docks, celebrated on Emeraude. Jeff, Kristi, George and Sandy joined us and we went barhopping in Salem.

Next day we returned to the Winthrop Yacht club, and had another party. This time the rest of the Constitution crew (Paul, Jeff and Cheryl and Walter) joined us. As usual, Paul generously offered his boat, Venesaur, and the Winthrop Crew, (Bill, Andrea, Andrew, Dennis, Rita and many others joined us. Danielle's old friends James and Amanada came all the way from Connecticut, so did her cousins and their entourage, Missy, Lindsey, Noy, Maria came for the party.