Sunday, May 9, 2010

Blowing like a You-Know-What

After a very unsettled day yesterday, May 8, it suddenly calmed down. However, the NWS had posted a gale warning starting after midnight. Danielle just told me that the gale will continue at least until 4 pm. Oh well, not much to do but lie in bed and catch up on the blogs.
Last night, at precisely midnight, the wind started howling. It was getting to be a wild ride. No problem to sleep though, except some occasional wave slapping.
Below is a video that I took this morning. The boat is continuously heeled over by about 5 degrees. We also had to rescue Donnie's boat where a fender had jumped off. Not a good thing.

Winthrop Sunsets

One of the great things of being in Winthrop are the sunsets. I decided to take a sunset picture and publish it on Facebook every time I get a chance. Below are a few taken in May 2010

Move to Wintrhop

On May 1, 2010, we moved to Winthrop. The 3 WYC winter liveaboards, Andrew, Chris and us, packed up our boats and moved over.
It was a great day, and felt good to be back in our summer location.
The club docks are still worked on. We are replacing several big floats, and all docks get painted every year.
Chris and Hillary decided to go sailing for a while since their boat was fully comissioned. I was able to barely get my headsail in, to be able to have some control in case there was a problem with the headsail